Monday, 26 September 2011

My fabric.....

.....Tea bags used to make my fabric for the workshop 'the road to my house' can't wait to start stitching!


  1. Ooh - now I want a pink cuppa!

  2. I love the texture, as well as the colours. Have you washed the tea bag fabric? Or will you be washing the the creation?

  3. These are gorgeous Jennie, makes me think we can hold onto summer a bit longer. xox Corrine

  4. Your beautiful teabags are as uplifting as an actual cuppa! Can't wait to see the finished piece x

  5. Jen, are all those coloured squares tea bags? how amazing...I will have to follow this. How big is it going to be.

  6. Thanks ladies the size of it is gonna be 15 x 24" so quite big.

  7. All my favourite colours! I can't wait to see what you are going to make:)

  8. I can't get over what an amazing selection of pretty colours you have. Goodness, what sort of tea gives you that colour?? I must be buying the wrong tea.......... Definitely going to have more of a look in the teabag section next time. That is going to look spectacular.


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