Saturday, 23 October 2010


.....where i was today ?????? I asked if i could take the pictures the lady only let me because i said i new you otherwise she wouldnt have!!! Your work is even more wonderful in the really Lorna......Also just want to say how much i really loved it what a wonderful cafe run by volunteers and so cheep....i will definitely be making a return visit........I was actually visiting the uni as they had a patchwork and textile exhibit and the cafe was right opposite.

I didnt get the job but had such a wonderful interview with lots of experience.....the letter said whilst they thought i had some relevant experience, they didnt feel that my skills matched exactly what they were looking for.....hey i could have done it with my eyes to the next


  1. Hi Jen, sorry you didn't get the job but there will be another opportunity.
    On the other hand, how wonderful for you to see Lorna's work in person and on display.
    Thanks for the pics - it is always interesting to see where everyone is visiting and the things they see.

  2. I am sorry to hear that you didn't get the job. At least it will give you more time at home to create! Lucky you seeing Lorna's exhbition, I would lov to go, but it is too far away.
    The sheers come in a wonderful range of colours, he must have at least 30 and he sells them cheaper than the local market. If you need me to get you any just let me know.

  3. Jenni what a surprise ....i was at the quilting show too thats where I got the sari hanks from....thanks for looking at my exhibition ...I went in there too yesterday to pick up a box before we went to the football Saints V Oldham and we won ....the only downside to the exhibition was they havent labelled my work like they were supposed to and they add 35% on the price which is a bit scary .......thanks for visiting though it is a great place

  4. ps sorry about the job ....but it means it wasn't right for you ...the right job is just waiting round the corner don't worry ...x

  5. You and Lorna keep missing each other, some day you will meet. What fab fun for her to have a great show. Chin up on the job, the right one will come when it fits your open heart. xox Corrine

  6. Love that art work. Shame about the job - their loss!! You will find something even better so keep looking.

  7. Shame about the job, but that's life, keep trying! The next one might be much better and you will be glad you did not get this one:) Life can have some funny turns.

  8. sounds like you had a great interview! good for you, Jen. keep it up and something good will happen soon!

  9. Lucky you - seeing Lornas work in person. Hope you have some luck soon with your job hunting.
    Thanks for your comment & name suggestion on my blog.


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